zenko takayama PhD

Ronride Co., Ltd.


  1. Takayama、Zenkou(2018)「純粋経験の「宗教」性はどのようにして見出されるのか―「宗教」概念と純粋経験の相剋」『人間文化研究』。
  2. Takayama、Zenkou(2018)「宗教的な宗教現象と世俗的な宗教現象のあいだ―宗教の判断基準はどのような要素になりうるか」『『宗教研究』(日本宗教学会)第92巻、第1輯、pp. 131-155』。
  3. Takayama、Zenkou(2018)『【博士論文】「宗教の定義―認識という観点から」』。
  4. Takayama、Zenkou(2018)「「呪術とは何か—近代呪術概念の定義と宗教的認識」」『『文化人類学』(日本文化人類学会)』、83。
  5. Takayama, Zenko. (2018) How does knowledge bring one to the state of immortality in early Upaniṣadic philosophy? A new perspective on the ‘Magical’ way of cognition. Religion, 48(4), 197-201. https: //doi.org/10.1080/0048721X.2018.1466002
  6. Takayama, Zenkou. (2017) How are religious concepts created? A form of cognition and its effects. COGNITIVE SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 41. https: //doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2016.10.001
  7. Takayama、Zenkou(2017)「「心身」なき自己の問題―西田幾多郎の純粋経験論における自己」『人間文化研究』。
  8. Takayama, Zenkou. () A Hidden Belief of Religious Scholars: Explaining Why Religious Scholars Can Describe Religious Phenomena But Cannot Define the Concept of Religion. Proceedings of the 24th World Congress of Philosophy (Philosophy of Religion).
  9. Takayama, Zenkou. () History of Cognition: A Cognitive Interpretation on Michel Foucault’s Four Types of Resemblance and the Process of Modernization. Proceedings of the 24th World Congress of Philosophy (Renaissance and early modern philosophy).

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